My Restless Mess
This is my bed-corner.
Someone get it in order..
I've been having sleep problems lately and haven't made my bed for days.
Maybe I should. I recently did a proper cleaning of my room.. well, more or less, tidying up still looks messy when it comes to my spaces.
If it is true that a person's home is a reflection of the owner, then my life,, is a very messy entity. I try to find order in the little bits; alphabetically organised books on the shelf, nicely folded and stored socks and clothes, lined up tubes of paint, a corner for every mess, but I strive to find balance.
I've been thinking, recently more so; What happens to people who never find a purpose to their life, never any goal, never any preference, those who just 'exist'? Is there a future in that? What is there, in a future?
Those days with no care in this world, where all I had to do was live up to my parents' expectations, my future was decided and I knew which roads to take, I miss those uncomplicated days at times.
People change, this planet changes, the universe changes; the only thing within our power is to savour the moments that we are granted. We all live different lives, but we all share the same time. Time: this arbitrary idea of something flowing.. a human creation.
Lately I've been getting a bit irritated at this aimlessness so I've decided, maybe. I'll start taking note of what I really want to do. Where I'm headed and which turns to take. I don't even know whether I enjoy what I am studying right now, despite finding it an interesting subject.
One step at a time, one rock at a time, some day, I'll travel those several miles up that mountain.
Labels: goal, life, photo, purpose, rant, reflections