Hold on...
I was completely off in my previous post. I managed to click to and consequently post the wrong photo thus discussing the wrong photo as well. Seems I have already been Explored 3 times. How strange. I didn't even notice. The above three photos are the ones that have been Explored. The third (beach) photo was the one I had mistakenly taken its five minutes from. But I am here to rectify so enjoy.
This also gives me the chance to inform you about an update. I have set up a temporary solution to scrolling to "Older Posts", the "Newer Posts" link however is just a 'back' link, I still need to figure that one out. Alternatively I've tried another way of doing the "Older/Newer Posts" links but that involved loading all my (so far 33) posts and only then paginate and apply "Older/Newer Posts". Meaning all it really does is hide the (30) older and newer posts while displaying the current(3). The result? You have to wait anywhere up to half a minute (on a 100kbps line) to load everything (so far about 3mb) before you can view my blog. Very impractical especially for a (photo) blog with lots of photos to load every time.
PS: I don't understand why it was these three photos with Exploredness. If it was up to me I wouldn't have chosen these three. In fact, I don't think I'd even suggest these three. But art is a subjective thing.. I guess.. apparently.
Labels: annoying points about blogger, bugs, photo
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