Website and minimalism

Earlier yesterday an idea for a possible personal website popped into my head and I found it a pretty good idea too.. that was till I started trying to work it out in photoshop.
The result wasn't as impressive as my mind had pictured it. Some ideas are better off left in the mind.
Click the above image to see a larger screenshot of what I ended up with.
The title saying "TallyWay" and the "My name is TallyWay~" parts are replaced to protect my privacy but would otherwise have my real name instead.
In the spirit of the above topic.
I've become increasingly interested in minimalism. Hence the minimalistic attempt at a website above.
And here is some fantastic minimalistic photography from other flickr members:
(am I allowed to post their photos in my blog even though it's to recognise them?)

Also; go visit My Twitter
Labels: bored, flickr, minimalism, personal website, photo, Twitter, website
17/02/2009, 15:13
you could meet some pretty dodgey characters having a personal website. top
17/02/2009, 20:11
and the downside is?
^^ top
17/02/2009, 21:56
haha. ah well you already have at least one dodgey person on your tail :D top
17/02/2009, 21:58
sorry for littering your blog with irrelavant comments, but do you like nick cave and the bad seeds? top