
Hoist Me Up
Part of an old boat crane lying along the beach rusting away.
Time is but the illusion of events passing by.
This is mostly just a photopost. Spent most of my Friday (after my last exam of the semester *insert big smile*) somewhere along the seaside with my camera.
Very windy. Very refreshing. Very relaxing.
I think I have a cold now.
Been sniffing away since yesterday. Only mildly though. This cup of nice and warm tea should do the trick.
02/02/2009, 22:27
the title hoist me up reminds me of something else. and now for something completely different:
"no reason to get excited
the theif he kindly spoke
there are many here among us,
who feel that life is but a joke"
(Bob Dylan)
ps do you use photoshop to adjust your photos? top
02/02/2009, 23:36
more lyrics.
yeah, I do use PS but I do as little as possible though I do do some tuning except from my sepia and b/w photos, those I do a little more on since I have to desaturate and apply photo filters to those. top