"Culture: the cry of men in face of their destiny." [Camus]
My original intentions were to make this a photoblog, but fate seems otherwise determined. I live not far from an existential lifestyle and tend towards misanthropic beliefs. This is my blog.
Whether you read it or not is up to you. Whether you agree or disagree is up to you..for I do not care. Enjoy..or don't.
"Time is not a reality, but a concept or a measure." [Parmenides]
03/02/2009, 13:37
A little of this comment box is covering the photo. I don't want to resize the photo though. I like this size. So either click the photo to go to my flickr stream or just see it in the main page. top
03/02/2009, 23:22
No comment, just some words. top
04/02/2009, 07:06
oh? i have competition in the anonymous sector. :s. top
04/02/2009, 12:50
I don't see any competition in being Anonymous as the competitor has already given up and become Antigone. tsk. top
04/02/2009, 15:00
oh the irony. top
04/02/2009, 17:50
mm. top